
By Henrylito D. Tacio

Sex is one of the topics that fascinates everyone: men and women, young and old, transgenders and bisexuals, priests and pastors, and politicians and movie stars.  Gossip spreads like wildfire when it comes to sex.

“In a world full of hate and opposition, it may be one of the few things most people can agree on,” wrote Lauren Martin in “Elite Daily.”  “If we were to unite the world, it would best be done under sex.  Because sex is good.  Sex is great.”

And while sex is great, it is also taboo – at least for some people.  But the Bible itself, in some instances, features sex, although not explicitly. Adam and Eve did it first. Samson told his secret to Delilah because of it.  David sent Batsheba’s husband to the war so he can do it with her, once the husband was dead.  King Solomon did it with several women. Joseph and Mary did it after Jesus was born.

Man and woman, irrespective of his or her religion and beliefs, can do it anywhere, anytime, and several times.  But the question is: when is the best time?  Among the two most popular periods, which is better: late in the evening or early in the morning?

Studies have shown – and most people agree on it – that mating is best in the morning.  Yes, night sex is a scam.  

According to research, sex is better when it is done in the morning. Individuals who partake in morning sex are healthier and happier people, points out Dr. Debby Herbenick, an American research scientist and author of the best-selling book, “Because It Feels Good.”

“Having sex in the morning releases the feel-good chemical oxytocin, which makes couples feel loving and bonded all day long,” explains Dr. Herbenick, who was quoted by “Daily Mail” in an article. Herbenick, a popular sex advice columnist, adds that morning sex can make a woman stronger, and more beautiful.  “Morning sex can strengthen your immune system for the day by enhancing your levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA), an antibody that protects against infection.”

Dr. Musa Yakubu, a biochemist of the University of Ilorin, explained it further by saying that having sex three to four times a week can boost immune system by “stimulating the body’s first line of defense and production of IgA, against cold and fever.”

Another thing that morning sex does to a woman, according to Dr. Herbenick: “It releases chemicals that boost levels of estrogen, which improves the tone and texture of your skin and hair.”

Men love morning sex.  The reason: testosterone levels for men are the highest in the morning after reenergizing their bodies with sleep, according to sexologist Megan Stubbs.  What does this mean?  Nothing except that the man is at his horniest when he wakes up in the morning.

Gabrielle Lichterman, author of “28 Days,” also shares this bit of information: “While he sleeps, the testosterone he’ll use for the upcoming day accumulates.  From the time he wakes up, he has a three-hour window when he’s brimming with peak levels.”

Doing sex at night is not good, because over the course of the day, the testosterone levels of a man dip and by the time he goes to sleep, his enthusiasm is somewhat depleted.  “In short, the horny hormones are weaker at night.  Then he goes to sleep, his body repairs itself and the next morning he wakes up raring to go again,” Rebecca Reid explained in an article published in “Telegraph.”

Several studies have also shown that in the morning, a man has higher levels of vasopressin, a hormone that helps give the male species feelings of emotion-attachment.  Now, adding that to an erect penis, “and you may feel closer and more attached to your significant other in the morning,” says Dr. Tammy Nelson, a sex therapist.

Morning sex can also be a good form of exercise.  Nick Dimengo, in an article entitled, “The Case for More Morning Sex,” wrote: “Sure, morning sex will never completely make you forget the gym, but there are some benefits to sweating between the sheets.  Per a 2014 study, an hour of sex is equivalent to a 30-minute run.” Making love early in the morning can help you burn around 300 calories unknowingly, according to Dr. Hitesh Shah, the man who wrote “Eight Benefits of Morning Sex.” Yes, you burn that many calories even before your day has officially started.

Despite all these benefits, people are not still doing sex in the morning.  This is particularly true among those not married, who prefer sex at night.  “Night sex might be easier to finagle for single people, who are more likely to do it after a date, a party, or getting loosened up with alcohol,” wrote Christina Cauterucci, a “Slate” staff writer. Cauterucci added, however, that “depending on the person and degree of intoxication, sobered-up morning sex usually means better sexual performance, too.”

Compared with other times, morning sex is best, due to the excitement brought about by the urgency that accompanies it. “Mornings are the perfect time to indulge because you’ll probably be in a rush, and the heart-pounding adrenaline of spontaneous sex will intensify the entire experience,” Jane Greer, an American marital therapist, was quoted as saying by “Daily Mail.” 

Finally, here’s a more thorough explanation from Cauterucci: “To the extent that sex can be analyzed and planned – sex data doesn’t lend itself to spontaneity – mornings are a far more logical time for it.  At night, people get into bed sleepy and only get sleepier.  In the morning, people wake up sleepy and gradually get more alert. At night, people fight the urge to sleep triggered by getting under the covers at 11 pm., then get revved-up by sex only to pass out again.

“In the morning, the cover of drowsiness lends itself to lowered inhibitions, fades as heart rates rise, and is gone by the time both people have finished.  Sex lowers stress levels, relaxing participants for the day ahead, and releases endorphins for a boost of invigorating energy.  This means all the benefits of morning yoga and a morning run without leaving your comfy bed and the person who shares it.”

There are several other reasons why sex, although not done in the morning, is great, according to Nick McDermott, author of the “Daily Mail” feature.  It pointed out a study conducted at Queens University in Belfast which found that having sex three times a week “could actually halve the risk of heart attack or stroke.” Another study, done in 2009, showed that having sex every day improves sperm quality and could boost the chances of getting pregnant. In a test among men with fertility problems, it was discovered that “daily ejaculation for a week (can) cut the amount of DNA damage” as seen in sperm samples. A Nottingham University study also found that “men who kept a regular sex life in their ‘50s were also at lower risk of developing prostate cancer.”

Now, you know why sex is good for you, and when it is best to do? Then go ahead and have a great morning. – ###


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